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Ablity to Deliver Consultancy, Training and Interim Management
Through his in-depth practical experience David has delivered strategic projects and goals from a customer, financial, people and process perspective and adds value through a balanced, collaborative, logical and proactive approach to lead teams, bring together different views, provide clarity and identify a practical, pragmatic and coherent way forward.
David has played a vital role and led major programs in many important developments in the Banking Industry (e.g. Operational Resilience; Risk Appetite; VAR; Independence of Risk Functions; Business Continuity; Bank Mergers; Cost Control & Reduction; Compliance & Financial Crime; Liquidity Management, RRPs, Automation, Functional Integration; Location Strategy; Governance & Culture, Operations Management).
NDS Consulting is delighted to also be working with NJ Risk and AJ Sheen Consulting (together The JADEtc Partnership) plus other Trusted Partners to support clients on Operational Risk and Operational Resilience – helping them get value, leverage existing tools and frameworks, and comply with the new and evolving Regulatory and Industry Requirements.
The JADEtc Partnership has almost 100 years of practical experience gained at the regulator, in large financial institutions and in consulting between us. We recently led a 1-day Masterclass in Operational Resilience at the New Generation Operational Risk Conference for the IOR and spoke on Operational Risk at the main conference. We will be hosting further Webinars and leading sessions at online Conferences in the coming months.
Operational Resilience
Operational Resilience is an outcome and firms should leverage, to the extent possible, their existing frameworks (especially Operational Risk Management) and tools to deliver the desired outcomes.
Examples of the services we are offering and have experience of delivering include:
Assessment of the Current State
Helping you avoid the pitfalls (e.g. duplicating frameworks)
Production of a detailed implementation Roadmap
Integrating Operational Resilience to existing tools & frameworks (e.g. Governance, Risk Appetite, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Incident Management, Cyber Security, RCSA, BIA, RRPs)
Training for the Board and SMEs
Identification of Important Business Services
Identifying the people, processes, technology, facilities and information that support the important business services (Mapping)
Setting Impact Tolerances for each Important Business Service
Scenario testing
Lessons learned exercises
Develop internal and external communications plans for when important business services are disrupted
Creating or providing independent assurance of a Self-Assessment document
The introduction of Operational Resilience is evolution not revolution – there is no need to reinvent the wheel and it may be regarded as a “wrapper” to bring existing Regulations and Frameworks together but viewed from a different perspective – that of the Customer.